Parent Letter


Welcome to Second Grade!


Dear Parents,


*Welcome to Second Grade! My name is Millie Coffey and I will be your child's second grade teacher this year. I will be spending a tremendous amount of time with your child in the upcoming school year so I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a few things about myself.


*This will be my first year teaching at (a school). I am really looking forward to the upcoming school year!


*I have many exciting plans for this year. My goal is to support and encourage every child as they continue to grow both socially and academically. Through balanced literacy, differentiated instruction and lots of hands on experiences, I am sure this year will be a successful one!


*Communication between a parent and a teacher is an important part of helping a child reach his or her maximum potential. I would like each of you to write a letter about your child and send it in with him or her by Friday. Please tell me about his/her likes, dislikes, favorite books and hobbies. Include any educational goals or expectations you would like your child to meet by the end of second grade. Also, tell me some special things about your child. It is important that I get to know him or her.


*Parents are the most important people in a child's life, therefore we need to work together for the benefit of your child. I need you to support my academic, homework and discipline efforts here at school. With school and home working together, I know that each and every student can have his or her school year at (a school) be a very successful one. I am looking forward to meeting you at Open School Night!



Mrs. Millie Coffey